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Spotlight on one of Versione Karaoke's own: Nico

While he may not play an instrument, Nico, our resident jack-of-all-trades, spends his days listening to music. As such, he's got a pretty good knowledge of the Versione Karaoke catalog and the 76.000 that make it up.

Get to know Nico a bit better, his love for music and his music recommendations.

What is your role at Versione Karaoke?

I handle productions when they arrive, I make sure that all is ok and then I sort the separated tracks. I also verify the spelling, layout and the colors of our karaoke videos. I handle the suggestions, any problems with our catalog, projects with our partners and a variety of other special projects.

I do lots of different little things that help make our song catalog complete and coherent.

Do you play any instrument(s)? Sing karaoke ?

I tried several times and while I love listening to music, I’m pretty lousy playing it. And apparently, I’m tone-deaf, so I tend to reserve singing for the shower.

What songs could you listen to on repeat? Why?

All three of them for the same reason: because when you listen to them you are listening to a story. I am not a big fan of songs that repeat themselves, with a pattern that you can guess in advance. I like when music takes you somewhere, when it is surprising and adventurous.

What artist/group made you love music?

Before I was born, my father put headphones around my mother’s belly so that I could listen to Pink Floyd. I’ve never stopped listening since!

Growing up, I had a few groups that revived my interest in music: Vangelis, Mike Oldfield, Dead Can Dance, Envy… Sometimes, a tiny interest in a particular group can open up discovery of a completely new and huge musical universe. JJ Cale brought me to Eric Clapton, then Tim Buckley and Bob Dylan.

I have moments where I just want to listen to my favorite albums again, and then suddenly I will hear something I never heard before and I fall in love with the music, all over again.

Your first concert?

Francis Cabrel! I was really young at the time, and I went with my parents. As there were so many people, we ate standing up in the ticket line. Then, we suffered through an opening act in a venue that was overly heated. And when the concert finally got started… I fainted! My dad took me to the bathroom, parting the crowd craze. After regaining senses, I got to watch the end of the concert, from the very back and nauseous.

Even after all of this, I wasn’t turned off by concerts, au contraire. But my first concert was definitely the most “rock’n’roll” even without any drugs or alcohol, haha.

What does working at Versione Karaoke bring you music-wise?

A better sense of rhythm, I think, even if I am a non-certified musician. Above all, I’ve definitely enlarged my music culture. I also know instruments a bit better and I’d say that I’ve been able to have a clearer vision of modern music history.

Why do you like working in music?

Because I like music! It’s so rich and varied, I discover so many things every day. Obviously, I don’t love everything that is part of our catalog, but it’s like working in a library when you like books, it’s an offer you can’t refuse.

Lyrics or music, what's more important in your opinion?

Both. Even if certain lounge covers are made with different rhythms, and vice-versa, I see them as being together. I think that for the most part, authors and composers create their songs to be an ensemble. Lyrics aren’t on one-side and music on the other and then put together a bit haphazardly.

Anything else?

Yes: I write novels.
They’re great (I’m objective), you can get them on my website.

Next month: Florent, our web dev and music-licensing reporter.
Missed our previous months? Catch Alex on guitar, Noémie on drums and our other musicians here.

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