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Video Karaoke Goodnight Moon - Shivaree - Karaoke Canzoni

Questa base è una cover di Goodnight Moon resa famosa da Shivaree
Di Kill Billcolonna sonora del film

Formati inclusi:


Il formato CDG (detto anche CD+G o MP3+G) è compatibile con la maggior parte dei karaoke. Include un file MP3 e testi sincronizzati (Versione Karaoke vende solo file (MP3+G) digitali, NON riceverai quindi un CD).

E' possibile suonare di default i file MP4 su MAC OS X e Windows 7. Se utilizzi Windows XP o Vista devi utilizzare Windows Media Player 12.

Questo formato è ideale per KaraFun Windows Player, un software karaoke gratuito. Ti permette di attivare o disattivare cori, voci soliste e di modificare la tonalità o il tempo.

Il tuo acquisto ti permette di scaricare il video in tutti i formati,senza limiti.


Con i cori (a scelta nella versione KFN)

Tempo uguale all'originale: 112.839 BPM

Stessa tonalità dell'originale: LAm

Durata: 04:06 - Anteprima: 03:06

Data di rilascio: 2000
Generi: Alternative rock, Pop, TV & colonne sonore, In inglese
Autore originale: Ambrosia Parsley, Duke Mcvinnie

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Testo De Goodnight Moon

There's a nail in the door and there's glass on the lawn
Tacks on the floor and the TV is on
Then I always sleep with my guns when you're gone
There's a blade by the bed and a phone in my hand
A dog on the floor and some cash on the nightstand
When I'm all alone the dreaming stops and I just can't stand
What should I do
I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out and maybe
And then the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
Well goodnight moon I want the sun
If it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon till I say goodnight moon
There's a shark in the pool and a witch in the tree
A crazy old neighbour and he's been watching me
And there's footsteps loud and strong coming down the hall
Something's under the bed now it's out on my hands
There's a big black crow sitting on my window ledge
And I hear something scratching through the wall
Oh, what should I do
I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out and maybe
I just hate to be all alone outside the door he followed me home
Now goodnight moon I want the sun
And if it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon till I say goodnight moon
Well you're up so high how can you save me
When the dark comes here tonight to take me up
My front walk and into bed
Where it kisses my face and eats my head
What should I do
I'm just a little baby
What if the lights go out and maybe
And when the wind just starts to moan
Outside the door he followed me home
Now goodnight moon
I want the sun
And if it's not here soon
I might be done
No it won't be too soon till I say goodnight moon
No it won't be too soon till I say goodnight moon

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