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Video Karaoke Cocaine Blues - Johnny Cash - Karaoke Canzoni

Questa base è una cover di Cocaine Blues resa famosa da Johnny Cash

Formati inclusi:


Il formato CDG (detto anche CD+G o MP3+G) è compatibile con la maggior parte dei karaoke. Include un file MP3 e testi sincronizzati (Versione Karaoke vende solo file (MP3+G) digitali, NON riceverai quindi un CD).

E' possibile suonare di default i file MP4 su MAC OS X e Windows 7. Se utilizzi Windows XP o Vista devi utilizzare Windows Media Player 12.

Questo formato è ideale per KaraFun Windows Player, un software karaoke gratuito. Ti permette di attivare o disattivare cori, voci soliste e di modificare la tonalità o il tempo.

Il tuo acquisto ti permette di scaricare il video in tutti i formati,senza limiti.


Tempo uguale all'originale: 122.02 BPM

Stessa tonalità dell'originale: Re♭

Durata: 02:46 - Anteprima: 00:52

Data di rilascio: 1968
Generi: Country, In inglese
Autore originale: T J Arnall, William A Nichols

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Testo De Cocaine Blues

Early one mornin' while makin' the rounds
I took a shot of cocaine and I shot my woman down
I went right home and I went to bed
I stuck that lovin' fourty-four beneath my head
Got up next mornin' and I grabbed that gun
Took a shot of cocaine and away I run
Made a good run but I run too slow
They overtook me down in Juarez Mexico
Layed in the hot joints takin' the pills
In walks the sheriff from Jericho Hill
He said Willy Lee your name is not Jack Brown
You're the dirty hack that shot your woman down
Said yes, oh, yes my name is Willy Lee
If you've got a warrant just read it to me
Shot her down because she made me sore
I thought I was her daddy but she had five more
When I was arrested
I was dressed in black
They put me on a train and they took me back
Had no friend for to go my bail
They slapped my dried up carcass in that county jail
Early next mornin' 'bout a half past nine
I spied a sheriff comin' down the line
Up then he coughed as he cleared his throat
He said come on you dirty hack into that District Court
Into the courtroom my trial began
Where I was handled by twelve honest men
Just before the jury started out
I saw that little judge commence to look about
In about five minutes in walked a man
Holdin' the verdict in his right hand
The verdict read in the first degree
I hollered Lordy Lordy have mercy on me
The judge he smiled as he picked up his pen
Ninety-nine years in the Folsom pen'
Ninety-nine years underneath that ground
I can't forget the day
I shot that bad bitch down
Come on you gotta listen unto me
Lay off that whisky and let that cocaine be

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