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Video Karaoke P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care) - John Legend - Karaoke Canzoni

Questa base è una cover di P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care) resa famosa da John Legend

Formati inclusi:


Il formato CDG (detto anche CD+G o MP3+G) è compatibile con la maggior parte dei karaoke. Include un file MP3 e testi sincronizzati (Versione Karaoke vende solo file (MP3+G) digitali, NON riceverai quindi un CD).

E' possibile suonare di default i file MP4 su MAC OS X e Windows 7. Se utilizzi Windows XP o Vista devi utilizzare Windows Media Player 12.

Questo formato è ideale per KaraFun Windows Player, un software karaoke gratuito. Ti permette di attivare o disattivare cori, voci soliste e di modificare la tonalità o il tempo.

Il tuo acquisto ti permette di scaricare il video in tutti i formati,senza limiti.


Con i cori (a scelta nella versione KFN)

Tempo uguale all'originale: 111.5 BPM

Stessa tonalità dell'originale: SI

Durata: 04:45 - Anteprima: 02:26

Data di rilascio: 2007
Generi: Soul, Funk, In inglese
Autore originale: John Legend, Kawan Prather, Eric Hudson, Jessica Wilson

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Testo De P.D.A. (We Just Don't Care)

Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far we just don't care we just don't care we just don't care
You know I love you when you're loving me
Sometimes it's better when it's publicly
I'm not ashamed
I don't care who sees
Us hugging and kissing our love exhibition all
We'll rendez-vous out on the fire escape
I'd like to set off an alarm today
The love emergency don't make me wait
Just follow I'll lead you
I urgently need you oh
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far we just don't care we just don't care we just don't
Let's make love let's go somewhere they might discover us
Let's get lost in lust we just don't care we just don't care we just don't care
I see you closing down the restaurant
Let's sneak and do it when your boss is gone
Everybody's leaving we'll have some fun
Or maybe it's wrong but you're turning me on
Oh we'll take a visit to your Mama's house
Creep to the bedroom while your Mama's out
Maybe she'll hear it when we scream and shout
And we'll keep it rocking until she comes knocking oh
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far we just don't care we just don't care we just don't
Let's make love let's go somewhere they might discover us
Let's get lost in lust we just don't care we just don't care we just don't care
If we keep up on this fooling around we'll be the talk of the town
I'll tell the world
I'm in love anytime
Let's open up the blinds 'cos we really don't mind
Oh I don't care about the propriety
Let's break the rules ignore society
Maybe our neighbors like to spy, it's true
So what if they watch when we do what we do oh
Let's go to the park
I wanna kiss you underneath the stars
Maybe we'll go too far we just don't care we just don't care we just don't
Let's make love let's go somewhere they might discover us
Let's get lost in lust we just don't care we just don't care we just don't care

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