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Video Karaoke Summertime - Al Jarreau - Karaoke Canzoni

Questa base è una cover di Summertime resa famosa da Al Jarreau

Formati inclusi:


Il formato CDG (detto anche CD+G o MP3+G) è compatibile con la maggior parte dei karaoke. Include un file MP3 e testi sincronizzati (Versione Karaoke vende solo file (MP3+G) digitali, NON riceverai quindi un CD).

E' possibile suonare di default i file MP4 su MAC OS X e Windows 7. Se utilizzi Windows XP o Vista devi utilizzare Windows Media Player 12.

Questo formato è ideale per KaraFun Windows Player, un software karaoke gratuito. Ti permette di attivare o disattivare cori, voci soliste e di modificare la tonalità o il tempo.

Il tuo acquisto ti permette di scaricare il video in tutti i formati,senza limiti.


Tempo: variabile (attorno a 75 BPM)

Stessa tonalità dell'originale: LAm

Durata: 06:07 - Anteprima: 02:07

Data di rilascio: 1994
Generi: Soul, Jazz, Funk, In inglese
Autore/i: Ira Gershwin, DuBose Heyward
Compositore/i: George Gershwin

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Testo De Summertime

It's summertime and the living in bad boy's easy
Fish are jumping doo, doo, dah
Cotton is high as I am by your side
Your daddy's rich mama's good looking really looking, yeah
So hush little baby don't you cry
One of these mornings you're gonna rise up singing
Singing, singing singing, singing, hmm
You spread your wings you spread your wings
And you take to the sky until that morning
Tee, doo, tee, doo, tee, doo dee, hmm, gonna nothing gonna harm you
With your daddy and mommy standing by, no
Dam, dam, dam doo, dam
Dam, dam, dam dam, doo
Dah, dah, dah, dah, dam dah, dah, dam dah, doo, doom dah, dah, dam, doo, doom
Doo, doo, doo, dam doo, doo, dam, dam doom, dam, doo, dam
Doo, doo, dam, dam doo, dam, doo, dah, dah dam, doom, dah, dam
Doom, dooh, dee, dee dee, dee, dee, dee
Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee
Dadam, dadam, dadam dee, hmm, dee hmm, dee, hmm
Dee, dee, doom doom, doom, doom
Dee, hmm, dee, hmm dee, dee, doom
Cility, cilinah, cilinuh cicianooh
Boo, doo, boo, doo, boo, doo boo, doo, boo, doo, boo, doo
Boo, doo, boo, doo, boo, doo waouh, doo, boo, doom
Sabadi, sabadam sabadah, sabadam
Sabadoo boodooooh, agaga
Peedeedoomdah, doom, doom dooh, zah
Oh, oh, oh, eh-oh ah, hum, peedee, squaw, ah
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Ho, ha, ho, ha
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Doom, doom, doom, doom doom, doom, doom, doom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom zoom pah, ha
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, ha, hee
Zoom, zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, zoom, zoom zoom, ha, ha
Zoh, lee, zoh, lah zoh, lah, zoh, lah
Zoh, lah, zoh, lah zoh, lah, dee, oom
Dee, doo, doom dee, doo, doom dee, doo, doom, yoo
Until that morning ain't nothing on her arm, you
You got, your daddy and mommy standing
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Lay, Lay, lay, eeyodeeoh mandeereeoh, noyadeeoh nandeeeehdum, dum dum, dum
Dum, dum, dum, dum dum, dum, dum, dee
Dee, dee, dee, dee, dee, dee dee, dee, dee, dee dee
Dee, dee dee, dee, dee, dee
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo doo, deeh hmm
Doom, doom, doom doom, doom, oh
Zee do you know that
I could be
Just like summer summer, summertime

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