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Spotlight on one of Versione Karaoke own: Alex

Fresh off an east-coast tour that took him to 30 cities in 30 days for well-known punk rock musician, Sonny Vincent, Alex plays guitar and bass as a hobby with the occasional weekend gig for his band "Crusaders of Love."

Here are 10 questions we asked Alex...

What is your role at Versione Karaoke?

Clearance manager & tempo map maker!

What instrument(s) do you play? / Do you play any instrument ?

Guitar, bass, and I like to think I can sing.

When and why did you start playing?

I started playing when I was about 10 or 11 after seeing a Guns N' Roses video on TV. When I first picked up a guitar it was because of Slash, I wanted to be Slash, he looked cool! Why did I keep on playing, I will quote John Lennon here. I kept playing because "there is nothing conceptually better than rock n roll."

What are your favorite songs to play?

I love playing these because I can play them on my acoustic guitar, just me singing and it sounds great. Plus the girls love it!

Any major influences that got you started playing/singing?

Not really, I started singing because nobody wanted to sing when we got the band together. I just try to develop my own style.

What’s a typical mistake that you see being made amongst guitarists?

Many guitarists think technicality over style. But style is more important to me. You could play 50 notes per second and have no style.

Any advice for a beginner?

Play with your heart, never compromise!

How often and for how long do you practice?

I practice everyday for about an hour to three hours, depends on my mood. When I’m home, I pretty much have a guitar in my hands at all times.

Any practicing tips?

Play a lot!

How do you balance your passion for music with other obligations?

It’s a struggle but you have to know what your priorities are and make it work.

Do you perform in public? tips?

Yes. I don’t really have any tips. Just be true to yourself, it doesn’t matter what people say!

Anything else?

Rock on!

Next month: Noémie, our talented rocker and drummer

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1 commento
  • 8 annos fa
      Are the singers on your tracks of your staff too?