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Nota :le canzoni che seguono non sono al momento disponibili, ma puoi attivare un email di allerta per essere informato qualora esse vengano realizzate. Se non riesci a trovare la canzone che ti piace,non esitare a fare un suggerimento.

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Canzoni disponibili:

Prince - Purple Rain (album version)
Prince - U Got the Look
Prince - Cream
Prince - The Morning Papers
Prince - I Would Die 4 U
Prince - Gold
Prince - Sign o' the Times
Prince - Purple Rain (short version)
Prince - Kiss
Prince - International Lover
Prince - Raspberry Beret
Prince - The Most Beautiful Girl in the World
Prince - While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Live)
Prince - Batdance
Prince - Sometimes It Snows in April
Prince - Controversy
Prince - Sexy M.F.
Prince - If I Was Your Girlfriend
Prince - Get Off
Prince - Nothing Compares 2 U
Prince - Nothing Compares 2 U (live)
Prince - Medley (Toppers)
Prince - Let's Go Crazy
Prince - So What the Fuss
Prince - Musicology
Prince - How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore?
Prince - 17 Days
Prince - When Doves Cry
Prince - Starfish and Coffee
Prince - Money Don't Matter 2 Night
Prince - Erotic City
Prince - Rock and Roll Love Affair
Prince - Baby I'm a Star
Prince - Partyman
Prince - D.M.S.R.
Prince - Adore
Prince - Do Me, Baby
Prince - Lady Cab Driver
Prince - 1999
Prince - Delirious
Prince - Glam Slam
Prince - Sexy M.F. (clean)
Prince - Soft and Wet
Prince - Head
Prince - Peach
Prince - Pop Life
Prince - P. Control
Prince - I Wanna Be Your Lover
Prince - The Beautiful Ones
Prince - Darling Nikki
Prince - I Would Die 4 U / Baby I'm A Star (film version)
Prince - Dinner with Delores
Prince - Diamonds and Pearls
Prince - Computer Blue
Prince - 7
Prince - Let's Go Crazy (Special Dance Mix)
Prince - Little Red Corvette
Prince - Housequake
Prince - Thunder
Prince - Thieves in the Temple
Prince - Te amo corazón
Prince - Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad?
Prince - 1999 (single version)
Prince - The Greatest Romance Ever Sold
Prince - When Doves Cry (single version)
Prince - Alphabet St.
Prince - Scandalous!
Prince - When You Were Mine
Prince - I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man
Prince - Extraordinary
Prince - Call My Name
Prince - She's Always in My Hair
Prince - Take Me with U
Prince - Letitgo
Prince - Betcha By Golly, Wow