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Tips and exercises for controlling performance anxiety

Suonare o cantare puo' rivelarsi facile quando si è tranquillamente a casa o in spiaggia. Ma quando bisogna farlo su un palco o davanti a un pubblico sconosciuto è necessaria una preparazione particolare.

Quando lo stress, la gente, il fatto di essere al centro dell'attenzione fanno capolino, saper reagire per non compromettere la prestazione si rivela essenziale ! !

Ecco qualche consiglio per prepararsi e dare il meglio di sé quando sentirai arrivare lo stress.


Before stepping on stage, preparation is key! The best way to succeed is knowing your set perfectly: practice makes perfect does it not? You’ll need to work hard in order to avoid any hiccups.

Whether you are a solo act or in a group, repeating your set beforehand is primordial. It is equally important that your practice sessions be productive. If you are in a group, it’s necessary to prepare a setlist ahead of time, define how and when the group will advance, and rehearse the songs that will require more efforts to master. Each participant needs to prepare individually in order to arrive ready to go. Memorizing structure is important so don’t hesitate to write it out on a shared document with other group members (couplet/ bridge/ chorus/ chords). To make the most of playing and rehearsing in a group, this article will help.

If possible, try recording yourself during your practice sessions. It’s a good exercise and a great way to train your ear and identify possible areas of improvement.

Finally, don’t hesitate to make notes in your structure, as mnemonic means to remember couplets, passages, etc. If you are in a group, the rhythm section can play the role of conductor and a small sign or nod from the drummer or the bassist during a change of structure can be beneficial for total cohesion!

Managing pre-performance stress

D-day has arrived and you're about to step on stage…. your knees are trembling, you’re sweating and your stomach is in knots... your performance anxiety has gotten the best of you. First off, do not add extra stress, performance anxiety is perfectly normal! Even the biggest artists like Adele and Luciano Pavarotti battle with pre-performance anxiety! The good news is that there are lots of simple exercises to overcome it when your time to shine arrives.

Let yourself go and relax as much as possible, focusing on the following exercises: deep breaths (breathe in deeply and exhale fully). Taking a power nap is another beneficial way to curtail the stress but be careful to not make it more than 20 minutes so as to not be groggy when you take the stage! If you are in a group try a group massage taking turns making sure that others are calm and composed. If you are solo, bring a tennis ball with you and place it under your foot and roll it around. It is an easy, quick and effective massage. Humor is also a great way to eliminate stress and create a serene ambiance.

Live performance

The pre-performance stress is over, you're on stage, and everything is going well until a small glitch happens that ruins the mood: technical problems, wrong notes, an unruly crowd. Don’t let it get to you! Remind yourself that the majority of the issues perceived by musicians as disastrous actually go unnoticed. So when these glitches arrive, do not stop playing! Keep going as if nothing's happened, stay concentrated and inspired and continue to give the best of yourself!

With all these tips, it'll be easier to hop on stage and ignite the crowd for the performance of your life!

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3 commenti
  • 6 annos fa
      Molto utili i consigli
    • 6 annos fa
        Salve ragazzianche io sonoitaliano e preferirei ricevere in italiano le mail anche se conosco 4 lingue parlate e scritte. vi ringrazio
      • 6 annos fa
          io sono italiano perche' in inglese?