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Tribute to Johnny Cash

September 12th marks an important anniversary in music history: 10 years ago, millions of fans said goodbye to Johnny Cash, the Man in Black.

Johnny Cash had both sadness and pain as his inspiration (although he also composed funnier songs like Boy Named Sue). He was one of the US’ artists that really made a lasting impression on Country music, although his whole body of work is much broader (Rock'n'Roll, Rockabilly...).

His debuts, stained with addictions, inspired him to write bitter ballads, now part of the global musical culture, like I Walk The Line (see his eponymous biopic), or Folsom Prison Blues.

He stayed on stage until the very end, passing away on September 12, 2003 from complications associated with diabetes. His wife, June Carter, preceded him in death just a few months before.

The Man in Black left with about 60 albums and millions of fans.

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